How to Create a Study Schedule

Whether it's Winter, Spring, or Summer break, those moments where you can slow down and not worry about doing homework are so relaxing! But when those breaks come to an end, it's important to plan for how you will tackle the anticipated work. Creating a study schedule that works for you can make the transition to high school as a whole so much easier! 

So, are you ready to learn how to create a study schedule?

Figuring out your study routine and behaviors

First things first, we are all different and our study routines are too. You may be the kind of student that dedicates 1 hour each day to a subject, or studies everything one night before the exam, or maybe you have established studying techniques in your routine. 

Whichever way you study, identifying your routine and how long it takes is the first step to building a study schedule that would work best for you!

So maybe start with asking yourself these questions:

✅ Are you most productive during the day or night?

✅ Do you study in bulks or separate your work into smaller fragments?

✅ Do you study your favorite subjects before or after your least favorite ones?

✅ In which environment do you focus more? At home? A public library? A park?

Determine your weekly study schedule

With the break ending and school starting, you can expect extracurriculars, tutoring, hobbies, and more to start picking up too. After the first few weeks, your schedule settles and now you know what your weekly schedule looks like. You have specific time slots for your classes, tutoring, and other extracurricular activities. 

With all of these tasks in mind, try to visualize your week! You can write it on a calendar, or create a cool design digitally or in your planner to make it more appealing.

With this visual, you can spot the times that would be easiest for you to study, because now you know when you are most productive and when you can dedicate the time!

Check the syllabus

That piece of paper(s) that you get at the beginning of each semester and makes you cry a little on the inside? It’s very important and not as scary. Trust me, I know the feeling.

The syllabus helps you understand how much work each class requires, and how it varies weekly. It allows you to prepare in advance by adapting your schedule around it. It directly affects your study schedule, because now you know if you need to switch things around on those free time slots you have in your calendar!

If you’re ever lost or confused about what you should be studying or completing, always check the syllabus and reach out to your teacher for further assistance.

Create study goals

There are different ways you can create goals.  Keep in mind that your goals can be different based on what you’re trying to accomplish!. From getting all A’s to joining a new club, your goals can vary each school year.

A goal that you establish at the beginning of the semester can help motivate you in your studying and being consistent with your schedule.

For example, if your goal is to ace Chemistry, then you can start planning your schedule around that study goal. Dedicating more time to tricky subjects and studying in the best conditions for you can help you make your goal of getting an A that much easier.

Final thoughts on study schedules

Now that you have taken the time to read this and think about how to create a study schedule to help you achieve your goals, here is some advice:

  • Remember an ideal study schedule varies from person to person

  • Your weekly schedule varies, that’s when the syllabus comes in handy! Prepare and adapt.

  • If no goal comes to mind immediately, think: “What can I do better on?”

You got this! But, if you want some help creating your study schedule (or studying for a specific subject), just sign up to work with an online tutor. UPchieve’s volunteer tutors will work with you one-on-one to help you succeed, and—best of all—it’s completely free to qualifying students!