Connect your students with live tutors. 100% free. 24/7

Wishing you could provide one-on-one support for every student? Now you can trust UPchieve tutors to provide expert live help when you can’t be there. Try it out by joining our early beta users on UPchieve for Teachers!


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How UPchieve works

Step 1: Make a free teacher account

Step 2: Invite students to your class

Step 3: Your students can chat 24/7 with knowledgeable and patient experts in all core subject areas plus college counseling

Step 4: Easily monitor and share student usage


Educators <3 UPchieve


What makes UPchieve different?


Using UPchieve 9 times caused student test scores to meaningfully increase

A recent study found that after an average of only 9 sessions with UPchieve, students improved their scores on Star Math by approximately 9 percentile rank points.  

Their confidence, motivation, and engagement all improved too!

of students agree that UPchieve helped them perform better on their homework

of students agree that UPchieve helped them accomplish their academic goals

of students agree that UPchieve helped them improve their course grades


UPchieve for Teachers is accepting our first beta users!