Surviving Finals Week 101 for High School Students

We’re programmed to fear finals week, often before we really understand what it is. I recall being in middle school when a friend told me, “High school is fun, but finals week is no joke.”

Luckily, there are many ways you can tackle finals week with confidence. In this blog, I’ll explain why finals week doesn’t need to be so scary. Hopefully, I’ll leave you with a few extra tools in your belt to use during this challenging week!

Why is Finals Week So Stressful?

Before we can even begin to tackle exams week, let’s get a feel for what it is and why it’s so daunting.

Essentially, "finals week" is a period at the end of a term when students write their final exams and/or submit any final projects.

I’ve heard many parents say something along the lines of, “Well the class is basically over, right? At least there’s no homework.” And to that, I say, there's still a lot going on!

Here's what students often face during this time:

Final exams/projects tend to weigh a lot. Depending on the subject and your grade level, these exams/projects can weigh up to 50% of your grade. This means that the A or B you’ve worked so hard to earn could be at risk of dropping. Your final exam schedule might also be super overwhelming, which can add to the pressure you're already feeling.

The burnout is real. At this point, you’ve been in this class for months and you’re probably ready to be DONE. Regular quizzes, tests, presentations, and projects have already eaten up a lot of your energy (not to mention homework), and exam week just weighs on you more than usual!

It also doesn’t help that finals week often takes place before a long break. With rest just out of reach, it can be challenging to keep up the “grindset.” 

Extracurriculars are still a thing. To all my musicians and athletes, I hear you – especially those who participate in extracurriculars at school. Often, concerts and meets fall around the same time as finals week, taking away study and rest time when we need it most. 

So yes, finals week is stressful regardless of what some may think. That being said, there are many tips for finals week, helpful tricks, and resources available to help you!

Tips for Surviving Finals Week

1. Maintain daily self-care 

“You can’t pour from an empty cup,” and “You can’t start a car with no fuel,” are common sayings you might’ve heard before. Spoiler alert: We’re not talking about cups or cars!

Without sufficient energy, powering through finals week will feel 10x more challenging. Taking care of yourself is important, but it can be hard to remember during stressful times.

Here are my tips to help you feel healthy during finals week:

  • Prioritize getting enough sleep. Yup, I said it – Sleeping heals the body and mind. Be smart about making plans with friends on school nights. Before heading out, ask yourself, “Is this time I should be spending studying or resting my mind?”

    I recommend scheduling a strict study time every day so that you don’t lose sleep (e.g. study 7 pm-9 pm, quiet time/brain rest 9 pm-10 pm, lights out 10 pm).

    That being said, it’s always important to find time to connect with family and friends. I know just how challenging this can be, but even a little video chat here and there can do wonders. I would even consider planning a celebratory post-finals gathering to reconnect with friends! 

  • Move your body. Movement encourages the release of endorphins, which are essentially our “feel-good” hormones! Exercising (lifting, pilates, cardio) or taking a good stretch break in between study sessions can be a quick fix.

    For all my athletes, you can check this one off your list, you get a lot of movement already! Just make sure to drink plenty of water.

  • Spend time outdoors. Sleeping isn’t the only way you can energize your body.

    Sometimes all you need is a little fresh air or sunlight. My favorite way to do this is by walking to school when possible. Not only am I spending a good 30 minutes outdoors, but I’m getting my movement in as well!

    Consider bringing a friend. This can be an opportunity to check in and connect. 

  • Ask for help when you need it. Whether you’re struggling with academics or the pressure of finals, there is always help. Schools are aware of the extra stress that floats around the halls during finals week and counselors exist for this purpose.

    Consider reaching out to school staff that you feel comfortable with. If that’s not an option for you (I totally understand!), reach out to your loved ones! You have more support around you than you might think.

    If you’re in a time crunch, remember that Uchieve can support you too. We’re happy to help you power through your schoolwork and studying!

2. Use a planner

Instead of stressing about time during finals week, allocate one hour on Sunday to organize your upcoming week. Take into consideration your health and well-being, any extracurriculars, study time, and social plans. This might feel excessive at first, but as a student myself, I cannot recommend the power of scheduling enough! Try doing this at a nice café or with a friend who is in the same boat. 

3. Maximize your study timE

There are many methods that can help you make the most of your precious study time. You just need to find what works for you!

For me, it’s as simple as putting the phone away, listening to some good tunes over a cup of tea, and taking short breaks every 20 minutes. For others, following a study format might be the key! Here are just a few to explore:

  • Active Recall: This is essentially the practice of actually making sure you have a good grasp of the concepts you’re learning. 

  • Note-taking: In a rush, notes taken in class can get messy, and skeleton notes just might not do the trick. There’s tons of value in taking notes outside the classroom! I often like to rewrite notes taken in class in ways that make sense to my brain (try colors, stickers, etc.)

  • Study each subject for a specific amount of time to stay focused. To stay focused, study each subject for a specific amount of time. For instance, dedicate one hour to the circulatory system. Allocate 30 minutes to the fetal system, and another 30 minutes to the urinary system.

  • Find what works for you: Experiment with different study styles before the big week! Treat smaller quizzes and exams like training or practice; there’s no harm in starting early.

Personally, I find that taking breaks is essential in any form of studying, to keep your mind fresh! The second your head starts to hurt or your eyes begin to feel heavy, just let yourself breathe for a moment and return to the task later.

4. Keep your goals in mind

Lastly, don’t forget to step back and evaluate your goals. This will help you plan AND ration your energy. Visualize what grades you want for each class, and determine what is realistic.

If you need extra study time in math and tend to perform well in social studies, put aside more time to study math! Simple thoughts like that are easily overlooked in the wind of a busy time like finals week, but they can absolutely make a difference.

Final Thoughts on Surviving Finals Week 

Clearly, anxiousness regarding finals week is 100% valid. Schools and teachers are fully aware of this stress and likely feel it, too. I hope that your biggest takeaway above all is to remember to take care of yourself.

I cannot stress enough how even a healthy 8 hours of sleep can help you thrive during finals week. On top of this, consider using a planner, exploring study techniques, and keeping your end goals in mind! 

Don’t forget that UPchieve is more than happy to help you with your pre-final studying and homework! Our tutoring is 1:1 and available 24/7. We work by your schedule. Consider signing up for a free session on UPchieve today!