5 Reasons You Need to Find an Online Tutor

Have you been looking for homework help online, but you haven’t been getting the step-by-step instruction you need? Do you have specific questions that you aren’t able to find help with? Are you so stumped on a math problem that you don’t even know where to begin? It could be time for you to find an online tutor!

Why? Well, when it comes to learning styles, everyone is different. However, most schools don’t have the staff and resources to fully accommodate each of these individual differences, and that can leave many students left behind. The good news is that’s where an online tutor can be especially helpful! 

There are many benefits of online tutoring for students, mostly because tutoring is so much more than just teaching the material needed for school. It’s about guiding you to learn in ways that are unique to your individual needs and that will help you cultivate a better learning attitude.

5 Reasons to Find an Tutor Online 

Here are some benefits of having an online tutor besides just improving your grades:

  1. Online Tutors Can Create A Personalized Learning Experience

Tutors are far better able to provide one-on-one help as compared to a large class where one teacher is tasked with managing a room full of students. Your tutor can help you reinforce concepts that you aren’t 100% about. Or, if you are already an expert on the material, your tutor can further challenge you and help you grow as a student and reach your full potential.

No matter your level of comfortability with a topic, an online tutor can help create a personalized learning experience tailored just to you and your homework needs.

Three students studying together at a table in a library.

2. Tutors Can Motivate Intrinsic and Independent Learning

One of the best things about having a tutor is that they can become someone who will motivate you to learn. According to FutureEd, by helping students discover the value in learning for their own lives, educators can increase student engagement, persistence, and attainment.

Tutors encourage you to take the initiative in your schoolwork, stimulate your mind, and teach you how to think independently. When intrinsically motivated learning becomes a habit, you will realize your own learning needs and start to make better choices and take responsibility for your studies.

Young woman in sweater studying in science class.

3. Finding an Online Tutor Can Improve Your Attitude Towards Learning

Sometimes, even when students are trying their best, they can feel like they aren’t doing as well compared to their peers (text anxiety, anyone?!). Tutors can help provide support and make you feel much more confident in your own abilities and less about what other people think of you.

Also, with constant encouragement and praise that tutors provide, you can increase self-esteem and bounce back faster from failures. Research shows that when students understand that their failures are the result of effort rather than ability, they are likely to show greater persistence in overcoming their failures, and that's exactly what tutors help you realize!

Piece of paper that says "I can't do it," but someone is cutting the "'t" off so it says "I can do it."

4. Tutors Help Foster a Positive Learning Space

Students often find that a one-on-one learning environment is more conducive to learning as it increases their ability to explore topics in greater depth, ask more questions, understand new concepts, and solve problems. It can also make learning new or challenging concepts less stressful, which helps support your mental well-being in school. Tutoring can facilitate these needs by creating a positive and encouraging learning environment free of distractions.

On UPchieve, tutors can also work around your schedule because our online tutoring service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, right on your phone. You can choose a session whenever you need help which can further help you create a more productive academic routine.

Young woman working with an online tutor while doing homework on a laptop.

5. Tutors Can Help You Improve Social and Behavioral Skills

Social and behavioral skills are very important for success in our lives. Scientific research suggests that social behaviors have a stronger relation to grades than learning abilities. With consistent communication with your tutor, you can become a better communicator, problem solver, and form better relationships with your peers.

A group of students sitting on a bench around a tree looking at a tablet while doing homework.

Final Thoughts on Finding an Online Tutor

While getting good grades will always be the most obvious benefit of using an online tutor, but we hope this article showed you that it’s far from the only one.

If you’re ready to bet on yourself and see how far free online tutoring can take you, sign up for online tutoring now! It’s 100% for qualifying students, and you can get help in as little as five minutes.